About Us

WHAT is the Very Important Arts (VIA) Program?

Opportunity Village’s Very Important Arts - VIA Program serves children with disabilities ages 3-22 in arts and recreation. The program is designed to provide opportunities for artistic expression in the areas of art, music, dance, and more.

WHO does the VIA Program serve and who teaches the classes?

The VIA Program serves students with disabilities between the ages of 3-22. Classes are taught by Opportunity Village Music and Movement Mentor Shannon.

HOW do my students benefit from this program?

The program allows children to work in solo and group settings, as well as enhance cognitive and social development and keep them active.

WHEN do the classes take place?

Classes take place for 30 minutes once a month OR every other month (depending on availability) between 8am and 4pm. Classes are free of charge to all participants and take place on site at your school (when available) and through Google Meet.

Throughout the school year, we occasionally have the opportunity to sponsor field trips! Our most popular is spending a special day at the Magical Forest – just for VIA participants!

The VIA Program also partners with the Down Syndrome Organization of Southern Nevada, Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation, Miracle League, East Las Vegas Community Center, and more!